1.2. Prerequisites

In order to install PySLGR successfully, make sure that the correct version of each of the following are installed on your machine.

1. Anaconda version 4.2.0 (python 2.7), you can download it download it here.

2. Run

conda info

3. Check that the following fields match:

conda tool version
conda version ≥ 4.2.9
conda-env version ≥ 4.2.9
conda-build version 1.21.3
python version 2.7.12.final.0
requests version ≥ 2.10.0


Having a conda-build version above 1.21 may cause problems if you wish to build PySLGR

4. Make sure that Boost version 1.61.0 is installed on the machine.

For Linux users:

To install boost, use the following command:

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
For Mac users:

Homebrew can be used to do this. To install homebrew, follow the instructions on their webpage: http://brew.sh/. Then, run the following command to install boost

brew install boost

5. Make sure FFTW3 version 3.3.4 is install. To install it using Anaconda:

conda install -c salilab fftw=3.3.4

6. Make sure that your GCC and G++ compiler is at least version 4.8. For instructions to install the correct compiler see Installing the Correct Compiler.


For Mac users, the default gcc compiler that comes with Xcode is an outdated version. Please make sure that you are using the correct compiler version.